(619) 239-3091
Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC, headquartered in California, positions itself as a financial services firm emphasizing protection, safety, and soundness. The company is not a member of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators. They offer regulatory oversight by choosing to have their clients' 1031 Exchange funds held in separate, segregated Qualified Trust Accounts managed by Exeter Trust Company, which is licensed, regulated, and audited by the Wyoming Division of Banking. Exeter 1031 Exchange Services has accumulated extensive expertise in handling 1031 Exchanges and works closely with clients' advisors on complex issues. They also maintain significant fidelity bond coverage, errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, and regulatory-required equity capital reserves to further ensure client protection.
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Forward Exchange
Improvement Exchange
Reverse Exchange
Deferred's AI 1031 Research Assistant is trained on 8,000+ pages of US tax law and outperforms human CPAs by 22%+
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This business is a member of the Certified Exchange Specialists organization.
It's not clear if this business is a member of the Certified Exchange Specialists.
Number of verified exchanges performed by the business.
It is unclear how many 1031 exchanges this business has completed.
The amount of Errors & Omissions insurance coverage this business maintains.
It is unclear if this business has Errors & Omissions insurance or how much coverage they maintains.
The amount of Surety Bond coverage this business maintains.
It is unclear if this business has a surety bond or how much coverage they maintain.