$500B+ Taxes Deferred By IRS Section 1031 Since 1921

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Sell, Exchange, Repeat

Allen E. Weiner, CPA
Partner, Holtz Rubenstein

"If you don't have to pay income tax on something, you can do something else with that money—like make more money"

Gary Gorman, CPA
Author, Exchanging Up

"Section 1031 is form driven, which means that it is a dot-the-'i' and cross-the-'t' code section, where you can't just get it 'almost right."'

Charles Glover
Real Estate Investor

"[Deferring the capital gains tax] enables us to do more things with our money. If I had to pay the tax, I wouldn't be buying as much property."

Deferred.com Resources

Tax Deferral:
Everything You Need to Know

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