

What is the definition of Specialist?
A member of a stock exchange designated as the market maker for one or more securities, responsible for maintaining a fair and orderly market by executing limit orders, managing temporary imbalances in supply and demand, and preventing wide swings in stock prices.
Using Specialist in an Example

In the stock exchange, the specialist ensures that trading for specific stocks runs smoothly by buying or selling from their own account when necessary to stabilize the market, particularly when there are not enough buy or sell orders to match.

Using Specialist in a sentence

During the trading day, the specialist closely monitored the stock of ABC Corp to maintain stability in its price amid fluctuating market conditions.

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A financial contract in which two parties agree to exchange streams of payments over a specified period, based on different indices such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, or equity indices, applied to a notional amount. Swaps typically do not involve the exchange of principal.

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