(541) 687-2233
Cascade Exchange Services, Inc., headquartered in Oregon, is part of the Cascade Title family of companies, which has been operating since 1950. The company is deeply rooted in the local community and emphasizes long-term relationships with its clients. Cascade Exchange Services, Inc. is described as local, professional, and customer-service oriented. It offers a range of services including title insurance, escrow, 1031 exchanges, and private party loan facilitation. The company makes decisions and utilizes resources locally, positioning itself as a full-service partner for real estate transactions.
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Forward Exchange
Improvement Exchange
Reverse Exchange
Deferred's AI 1031 Research Assistant is trained on 8,000+ pages of US tax law and outperforms human CPAs by 22%+
CHAT NOWNot all of the information below was verifiable. Are you the business owner?
We have verified this information with the business directly.
The business has not claimed their profile and verified their information.
This business is a member of the Certified Exchange Specialists organization.
It's not clear if this business is a member of the Certified Exchange Specialists.
Number of verified exchanges performed by the business.
It is unclear how many 1031 exchanges this business has completed.
The amount of Errors & Omissions insurance coverage this business maintains.
It is unclear if this business has Errors & Omissions insurance or how much coverage they maintains.
The amount of Surety Bond coverage this business maintains.
It is unclear if this business has a surety bond or how much coverage they maintain.